Primary: Come Follow Me (Doctrine and Covenants) D&C 12-13, JSH 66-75

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Come Follow Me: (Seminary) Doctrine and Covenants “Translation of the Book of Mormon” Lesson 18

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Come Follow Me: (Seminary) Doctrine and Covenants 6 “Willing to Serve” Lesson 17

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Primary: Come Follow Me (Doctrine and Covenants) D&C 10-11

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Posted in Come Follow Me Primary (Doctrine and Covenants), Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ (Savior) (Messiah), Joseph Smith, Obedience, Restoration | Comments Off on Primary: Come Follow Me (Doctrine and Covenants) D&C 10-11

Come Follow Me: (Seminary) Assess Your Learning Lesson 16

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Come Follow Me: (Seminary) Doctrine and Covenants 5 “Request to Witness” Lesson 15

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Come Follow Me: (Seminary) Doctrine and Covenants 4 “Called to Serve” Lesson 14

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  2. Highlight the URL in window and click enter.
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Primary: Come Follow Me (Doctrine and Covenants) D&C 3-5 and 6-9

Posted in Come Follow Me Primary (Doctrine and Covenants), Joseph Smith, Service | Comments Off on Primary: Come Follow Me (Doctrine and Covenants) D&C 3-5 and 6-9

Come Follow Me: (Seminary) Doctrine and Covenants 3 “Lost Pages” Lesson 13

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  2. Highlight the URL in window and click enter.
  3. It should automatically download.
  4. Open the presentation in Power Point and enable it in order to save or edit.
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Primary: Come Follow Me (Doctrine and Covenants) Doctrine and Covenants 2; Joseph Smith?—History 1:27–65

Posted in Come Follow Me Primary (Doctrine and Covenants), Family, Joseph Smith | Comments Off on Primary: Come Follow Me (Doctrine and Covenants) Doctrine and Covenants 2; Joseph Smith?—History 1:27–65