Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Helps Lesson 97 “Believing in Christ” D&C 93:1-20

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Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Helps Lesson 96 “Oracle, Apocrypha, and the United Order” D&C 90-92

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Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Helps Lesson 95 “Obedience to the Word of Wisdom” D&C 89

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Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Helps Lesson 94 “School of the Prophets” D&C 88:118-141


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Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Helps Lesson 93 “Preparing For the Last Days” D&C 88:70-117

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Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Helps Lesson 92 “Governed By Divine Law” D&C 88:41-69

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Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Helps Lesson 91 “Truth and Light” D&C 88:1-40

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Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Helps Lesson 90 “Trouble in the Nation” D&C 87

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Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Helps Lesson 89b “The Wheat and the Tares” D&C 86

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Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Helps Lesson 89a “A Team Player” D&C 85

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