Primary 2 A Lesson 18 “Prayers Are Answered in the Best Ways”

Lesson 18 “Prayers are Answered in the Best Ways” download PDF file

use with story in Manual

Spanish Lesson 18 Nuestras oraciones son contestadas de la mejor manera PDF

German Lektion 18 Gebete werden auf die bestmögliche Weise beantwortet PDF

French leçon 18 Les prières obtiennent les meilleures réponses PDF French lecon 18

Italian Lezione 18 Le preghiere vengono esaudite nel modo migliore per noi PDF

Portugues lição 18 As Orações São Respondidas da Melhor Forma Possível PDF


Posted in French français, German Deutsche, Gospel Index, Italian italiano, Languages, Portuguese português, Prayer, Primary 2 A Manual ages 4-7, Spanish español | Comments Off on Primary 2 A Lesson 18 “Prayers Are Answered in the Best Ways”

Primary 2 A Lesson 19 “Jesus Christ Loves Me”

Jesus loves me Game. Suggestion in the manual *use this download for the game suggested in the Manual.

French Leçon 19 Jésus-Christ m’aime PDF

Italian Lezione 19 Gesù Cristo mi ama PDF

Portuguese Lição 19 Jesus Cristo Me Ama PDF

German Lektion  19 Jesus Christus liebt mich PDF

Spanish Lección 19 Jesucristo me ama PDF

Posted in French français, German Deutsche, Gospel Index, Italian italiano, Jesus Christ (Savior) (Messiah), Love (one another), Portuguese português, Primary 2 A Manual ages 4-7, Spanish español | Comments Off on Primary 2 A Lesson 19 “Jesus Christ Loves Me”

Treasure Map Game


*use with Lesson 20 Primary manual A

Posted in Games For Family Night, Gospel Index | Comments Off on Treasure Map Game

Primary 2 A Lesson 20 “The Teaching of Jesus Christ Are a Great Treasure”

Posted in Gospel Index, Jesus Christ (Savior) (Messiah), Languages, Primary 2 A Manual ages 4-7, Spanish español | Comments Off on Primary 2 A Lesson 20 “The Teaching of Jesus Christ Are a Great Treasure”

Primary 2 A Lesson 21 “I Can Be Reverent”

Posted in Gospel Index, Primary 2 A Manual ages 4-7, Reverence, Spanish español | Comments Off on Primary 2 A Lesson 21 “I Can Be Reverent”

Primary 2 A Lesson 22 Blessed Are the Peacemakers”

Posted in Example, Gospel Index, Languages, Primary 2 A Manual ages 4-7, Spanish español | Comments Off on Primary 2 A Lesson 22 Blessed Are the Peacemakers”

Primary 2 A Lesson 23 “Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd”

“Lesson 23” Jesus is the Good Shepherd

Lesson 23 French Jesus is the Good Shepherd

Lesson 23 German Jesus is the Good Shepherd

Lesson 23 Italian Jesus is the Good Shepherd

Lesson 23 Portuguese Jesus is the Good Shepherd

Lesson 23 Spanish Jesus is the Good Shepherd


Posted in French français, German Deutsche, Gospel Index, Italian italiano, Jesus Christ (Savior) (Messiah), Languages, Portuguese português, Primary 2 A Manual ages 4-7, Spanish español | Comments Off on Primary 2 A Lesson 23 “Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd”

Primary 2 A Lesson 24 “I Can Show Gratitude”

Posted in Gospel Index, Gratitude, Primary 2 A Manual ages 4-7 | Comments Off on Primary 2 A Lesson 24 “I Can Show Gratitude”

Primary 2 A Lesson 25 “Remember To Say “Thank You”

Posted in Gospel Index, Gratitude, Just for Fun, Primary 2 A Manual ages 4-7 | Comments Off on Primary 2 A Lesson 25 “Remember To Say “Thank You”

Primary 2 A Lesson 26 “Choosing the Right Gives Me a Happy Feeling”

Posted in CTR...Choosing the Right, Example, Gospel Index, Primary 2 A Manual ages 4-7 | Comments Off on Primary 2 A Lesson 26 “Choosing the Right Gives Me a Happy Feeling”