New Testament Seminary Helps Lesson 93 “The Promptings of the Spirit” Acts 16

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New Testament Seminary Helps Lesson 92 “Jerusalem Conference” Acts 15

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The Jerusalem Conferences (3:32)

We Need Living Prophets (2:45)

The Doctrine of Christ (2:39) time code 8:56 to 11:35

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Primary 5: D&C and Church History Lesson 2 The Apostasy and the Need for the Restoration of Jesus Christ’s Church

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New Testament Seminary Helps Lesson 91 “Missionary Life Yesterday and Today” Acts 13-14

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New Testament Seminary Helps Lesson 90 “Making Right Decisions” Acts 12


Which Way Do You Face? (1:30) time code 0:30 to 2:00

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New Testament Seminary Helps Lesson 89 “Preach to the Gentiles” Acts 10-11

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Peter’s Revelation To Take the Gospel to the Gentiles (9:11)

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Luke’s Historical Account of Paul’s Mission

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New Testament Seminary Helps Lesson 88 “A Chosen Vessel” Acts 9

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The Road to Damascus (5:22)

The Healing Ointment of Forgiveness (1:31) code 4:23 to 5:36

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New Testament Seminary Helps Lesson 87 “The Gospel is Spread Beyond Jerusalem” Acts 8

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New Testament Seminary Helps Lesson 86 “What Would the Lord Want You to Know?” Acts 6-7

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Mountains to Climb (5:05)

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